Contribute to the Chinese Theater Collaborative
We welcome feedback and contributions to our site. This is a dynamic resource center designed to be a platform for people around the world who are interested in the reading and the performance of traditional Chinese plays and their afterlives in the Chinese-speaking world and around the globeFor all queries and suggestions, please contact us via email:
Corrections: We have sought to be as factually accurate as possible with the information presented on this site. If you think you have discovered any factual errors, we invite you to contact us. Please be as specific as possible in your message.Permissions: For this educational resource, we have striven to include materials that are either in the public domain or are usable under the Fair Use provision of US copyright law. If you think additional credit is due, please write to us.
Additional renditions: We are interested in expanding the productions associated with the plays represented here. If you are part of a theatrical troupe that would like to see its work represented on this site, we invite you to reach out to us. If you are a scholar or fan who is aware of additional resources that might enrich the materials presented here, please contact us.
Student work: We hope that students at the high school and college level will take advantage of the current print publications available (original dramatic texts, annotated dramatic texts, translations) to produce their own interpretations of traditional Chinese plays. If you would like to see your work featured in the "Student Segment" of the site, please let us know.
Curricular innovation: We are interested in hearing from teachers across all disciplines and learn more about how they individually integrated the resources here into their own curriculum. If you are interested in sharing your ideas and lecture/workshop/master class modules, we would be delighted to feature them here (with credit to the originators, of course).
Translation/subtitles: We welcome the development of additional translated/subtitled scenes of modern versions of the thirty-plus plays featured in How To Read Chinese Drama: A Guided Anthology. Needless to say, you would be credited as the person responsible for the work.