Chinese Theater Collaborative

Organization, Types of Analysis, and Sources


The site is currently organized around the six iconic plays that are featured in How To Read Chinese Drama in Chinese: A Language Companion and examined in How To Read Chinese Drama: A Guided Anthology and their afterlives in theatrical, filmic, print and other media. Eventually, we hope to expand the site to include modern renditions of the thirty or so plays discussed in the latter anthology.

For the six plays, the original play is discussed briefly on an introductory page ("General Background"); you find all the titles of the modules for a given play listed in chronological order at the end of that page. Different early modern and modern productions are given their own separate module. Typically, we provide text, images, and some video clips for each production. Our mixed use of complex and simplified Chinese characters typically follows the source that we are featuring.

Given the dynamic and malleable nature of dramatic texts in China and elsewhere, virtually all later renditions of these plays take the form of adaptations. The exact nature of the changes made depend on many factors--the producers, the audience, and the historical circumstances among others. At the same time, the respective media--live traditional theater, film, and serial graphic narrative among others--also decisively shape the aesthetic form and the social significance of individual versions.


This is an educational non-profit site designed to be used for research, teaching, and self-study. Accordingly, for each of the adaptations analyzed, we provide selective topical analysis. In some cases, these topics partially correlate to the exercises attached to the annotated excerpts in How To Read Chinese Drama in Chinese. Typically, we offer some introductory background on the particular production or the type of medium chosen for the new version ("Introduction") as well as a synopsis ("Plot Summary"). Then, the analysis hones in on a particular facet of the production, often drawing attention to the specific aesthetic tools that the particular medium deploys to communicate an updated interpretation of the original story. We illustrate the analytical theme with images and/or video clips where available.


The use of materials on the site is governed by the U.S. Copyright Fair Use Act, which, under certain circumstances, permits the use of copyrighted materials for educational purposes. We credit our sources from textual materials in "WORKS CONSULTED," images through the source/credit captions indicated in the caption for each figure, and video clips via the live links to the relevant aggregator site. Where possible, we have used material that is in the public domain; where rightsholders can be easily identified, we have also requested permission. If any attributions are in error or have been omitted, please contact us at 


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