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Video Clips: Mulan Tries on Her Father's Armor
CTC Translation of Subtitles | Script Transcription[3] |
Mu Hui (Mulan’s elder sister): Daddy! Come on! | 木蕙:爹爹,快點來呀! |
Mulan: Father, mother. | 木蘭:見過爹、娘。 |
Hua Hu (Father): My daughter looks like a young man now after dressing up. Do you know how to show respect to the Marshal in the greeting? | 花弧:我兒打扮起來,倒有個男子氣概。見了元帥,可會施禮? |
Mulan: I do. | 木蘭:女兒我會施禮。 |
Hua Hu: Show me. | 花弧:施來我看。 |
Mulan: Father, mother, please take a look. | 木蘭:爹娘請看。 |
Mulan performs a series of actions of paying her respects in a feminine way. | |
Mulan: Greetings, esteemed sir! Hua Mulan is paying her respects to you. | 木蘭:元帥在上,花木蘭參見元帥。 |
Hua Hu: That’s wrong! | 花弧:哎,錯了錯了! |
Mulan: What’s wrong with it? | 木蘭:怎麼錯了? |
Hua Hu: Let me teach you how to do that properly. | 花弧:待父教導與你。 |
Mulan: Sure. | 木蘭:是。 |
Hua Hu: My child, after you enter the tent, you need to straighten your cap first and then flick the dust off your coat. [finishes performing] Here is the newcomer Hua Muli. My respects to you, sir. | 花弧:我兒進得帳去,先整冠,後撣塵,元帥在上,小將花木力參見元帥! |
Mulan: Oh! I got it. | 木蘭:哦!女兒我會了。 |
Hua Hu: Show me. | 花弧:施來再看。 |
Mulan: Please, father, take a look. | 木蘭:爹爹請看吧! |
Mulan: When I greet the Marshal, I will straighten my cap first and then flick the dust off my clothes. I am the newcomer Hua Muli. My respects to you, sir! | 木蘭:見了元帥,先整冠,後撣塵。元帥在上,花木力參見元帥! |
Hua Hu: Wait for my order outside the tent! | 花弧:帳下聽點! |
Mulan: Aye! | 木蘭:好! |
Hua Hu: Great! You are good to go now. | 花弧:好!你去得了! |