Live Action Film: Mulan (Disney 2020)
Story of the Film
Mulan is a talented young woman who is skilled at using Chi. She has never been trapped by the mundane life and womanly tasks in the life since a young age, though her father keeps telling her that a good marriage is the proper way for a woman to bring honor to her family.
The Emperor orders for a recruiting of soldiers in face to the threat of evil Rouran on the northen border. Mulan's father Hua Zhou, though injured, prepares to defend his nation. Worrying about her father, Mulan steals his armor and sword and joins the army in place of Hua Zhou.
The three major virtue of Mulan's army is: zhong (忠 loyal), yong (勇 brave), and zhen (真 faithful). Mulan, in male's disguise, fails to be true to her female identity, and therefore finds herself unable to use the power of Chi.
Struggling with her identity, Mulan decides to disclose this secret. However, the General is outraged by this fact and expels Mulan from the army. Mulan takes off her armor and restores her female identity, which allows her to use the magical Chi power again, and eventually bring the victory to her nation.
Transformation Scenes
The “transformation scene” can be found in two parts.
- costume change (24:50-27:15) Mulan takes her father’s sword and wears her father’s armor.
- change of voice (29:35-30:15)
Transcription of the English Subtitles | Transcription of the Chinese Subtitles |
Recruit 1 grasps Recruit 2 and throws him away, and Recruit 2 knocks Mulan down. | |
Recruit 3/Honghui: (reaches out friendly) Need a hand, little man? | 洪辉:要帮忙吗,小个子? |
Mulan: (rejects Honghui’s kindness by slapping his hand, takes out her sword, and says in deep voice) Insult me again, and you’ll taste the tip of my blade. | 木兰:再侮辱我,我就将你斩于剑下。 |
Honghui: (takes out his sword) Lower your sword. | 洪辉:把剑放下! |
Mulan: Or what? | 木兰:不然怎样? |
Commander: (takes away their swords and stops their fight) I’m your commanding officer. Fighting will not be tolerated. Am I clear? | 将军:我是你们的统帅。这里不许打架,明白了吗? |
Honghui: Yes, Commander. | 洪辉:是,将军大人。 |
Mulan: (nods her head) | 木兰:(点头) |
Commander: With your voice, soldier. | 将军:出声,士兵。 |
Mulan: (continuing in deep voice) Yes, commander. | 木兰:(声音低沉)是,将军大人。 |